Praxis Mission Related Investments

Accelerating impact on health technologies innovation for a world without paralysis after spinal cord injury.

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Our Fund Purpose

We make seed investments, primarily in North America, to support ventures developing innovations that have evidence based applications to people living with spinal cord injury (SCI) and other related conditions with a demonstrated commercial viability. We are focused on addressing the priorities of people living with SCI, which include a score of secondary complications. The purpose of Praxis’ Mission Related Investments is to catalyze further investment in the company through Praxis’ brand and financial support. Currently, Praxis Mission Investments plays the role of a seed follow-on investor in alumni start ups of our SCI Innovations Programs.

Secondary Complications

With no known cure, SCI is a lifelong medical condition and it is more than just sensory and mobility paralysis; it also affects every physiological system in the body. On average, a person with SCI experiences 15 secondary health complications at any given time, which range from mild daily occurrences to severe life threatening conditions, and can be leading causes of death for individuals living with SCI.


Data source: 2020 RHSCIR network report (published 2022) that details the clinical and demographic data of spinal cord injury in Canada.

We invest in companies that are:

To the quality of health or mortality of people living with SCI and beyond.

Financially viable
Technology and business plan show a potential for the venture to be financially sustainable in the future.

Reach at risk groups beyond SCI
Including cerebral palsy (CP), multiple sclerosis (MS), stroke, ageing populations and underserved women’s health.

Venture can scale to thousands of people with SCI (minimum) and other at risk groups.

Portfolio Companies

Venture Philanthropy

Our work is in furtherance of key UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

  • SDG # 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
  • SDG # 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation.
  • SDG #10: Reduce inequality within and among countries


Startups invested


Products on Market


Capital Leverage


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