Praxis Evaluation Notice: Summative Program Evaluation of Praxis Activities Funded by WD Canada
Praxis Spinal Cord Institute is conducting a summative evaluation of its recent achievements. Praxis urges stakeholders to participate in this evaluation, as its results will form an important piece of our ability to report to our funders especially Western Economic Diversification (WD, now Pacific Economic Development Canada or PacifiCan) and other partners about our efforts to reduce the impacts of spinal cord injuries for patients, their families and caregivers, and society.
The study will be carried out by Dennis Rank and Associates (DRA), a firm that specialize in the analysis of innovation programs. There are several activities planned for this evaluation, including an online survey of Praxis stakeholders, a “linked survey” in which researchers and end-users are contacted about specific Praxis outputs, and key informant interviews. One of the key DRA consultants, either Dennis Rank, Janet Halliwell, or Kara Allanach, will contact stakeholders identified by Praxis as a key respondent. DRA will do their best to ensure that any individual stakeholder is contacted for only one of these activities, but please accept our apologies in advance if you should happen to receive more than one notice.
Continue to survey link
If you have any questions, please contact:
Cassandra Adjetey at Praxis
Dennis Rank, Senior Partner of DRA