Predicting rehabilitation length of stay in Canada: It’s not just about impairment
Craven CB, Kurban D, Farahani F, Rivers CS, Ho C, Linassi AG, Gagnon DH, O’Connell C, Ethans K, Bouyer LJ, Noonan VK; RHSCIR Network. J Spinal Cord Med. 2017 Sep 12:1-15. doi: 10.1080/10790268.2017.1368962. [Epub ahead of print]
Summary: Funding for rehabilitation and planning for length of hospital stay of an individual with a spinal cord injury is currently based on severity of injury. However, this is not always an accurate predictor for length of stay. Using data from the Rick Hansen SCI Registry, this study found that patients with a breathing tube or a bladder catheter had longer hospital stays. This information can help rehab facilities more accurately predict length of hospital stay and ensure adequate funding and resourcing.