SCI Community Survey: Preliminary Results

What is the SCICS?

The Spinal Cord Injury Community Survey (SCICS) is the largest study of its kind to ever be done in Canada among people with SCI. The primary intent of the SCI Community Survey is to confirm the most important SCI-specific needs of Canadians with SCI. It is also intended to determine how successfully the Canadian health and social services systems are meeting those needs. Ultimately, it will create a clearer picture of where in Canada’s support systems there is opportunity to improve so as to truly minimize disability and maximize the quality of life of Canadians with SCI.

Preliminary Results

We are pleased to share preliminary analysis of the data. This participants’ report is also the first activity within a comprehensive knowledge translation plan. In addition to academic journal articles, knowledge translation activities include providing data and support to SCI advocacy groups and its Canadian branches to ensure that results from the survey can be used for advocacy, nationally and in provincial jurisdictions.

Who is behind the survey?

The SCI Community Survey was created with input from people with SCI, experts in the field of SCI research and health care and SCI community advocates. Supported by the Rick Hansen Institute and the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation, the survey was created by a team of Canadian researchers, led by Dr. Luc Noreau at the Université Laval and endorsed by SCI Canada, (formerly CPA Canada) MÉMO-Québec and other community groups. The survey was conducted by the Mustel Group, a professional market research firm.

Your comments, questions and feedback are welcome. Please reach us using our contact form.

Download the Reports

Traumatic Injuries

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Non-traumatic Injuries

English | French