Its mandate is to advise Praxis on how it can best leverage its strengths, while ensuring alignment with the Cure, Care and Consumer initiatives.
The Commercialization Committee guides the strategic direction of Praxis’ Commercialization activities.
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Its mandate is to advise Praxis on how it can best leverage its strengths, while ensuring alignment with the Cure, Care and Consumer initiatives.
Shari Hughson has led a unique and unconventional life. She has been a serial entrepreneur, intrapreneur, social innovator and extreme adventurer. She started her first business at the age of 25 and won CIBC Entrepreneur of the Year before the age of 30. Shari has been a founding member in four more companies, two great learning opportunities (aka failures) and two ongoing scaling tech and data-driven health businesses. Shari created a social innovation program in mental well-being that won a National Honour from the First Nations Health Authority of Canada. She is currently the Chief Operating Officer of Wayfound Mental Health Group.
Shari is a travel and adventure fanatic and has pushed her limits in the extreme adventure of living off the land with only the bare survival essentials for 7 years. Sustainable healthy living for people and the planet are her passions.
As part of the Client Wealth Management team, Jeremy Abitbol focuses on client relationship management, portfolio and risk management, and business development of private and institutional clients. Prior to joining Gluskin Sheff in 2015, Jeremy was an Analyst at CI Financial and prior thereto, was part of the Client and Advisor Services group at CI Investments.
Christine N. Sang, MD, MPH is Director, Translational Pain Research (TPR), Brigham and Women’s Hospital; Associate Professor of Anaesthesia, Harvard Medical School. She is a pediatric and adult anesthesiologist and acute post-operative/post-traumatic and chronic pain specialist. As director of TPR, she provides innovative clinical trial strategies for chronic pain indications on behalf of biopharmaceutical companies, NIH, and various foundations. Dr. Sang has served on numerous boards and committees for her institution, leading medical societies, government agencies (including Advisory Committees for the USFDA and the Interagency Pain Research Coordinating Committee), patient advocacy groups, and the editorial boards of several journals including as co-editor of special issues and books. She consults widely with industry in various capacities.