
We Are Praxis Spinal Cord Institute

Praxis is a Canadian-based not-for-profit organization that leads global collaboration in spinal cord injury research, innovation and care. We accelerate the translation of discoveries and best practices into improved treatments for people with spinal cord injuries.


Latest News

Keep up-to-date with the latest news and updates from Praxis.

CAN/HSO S3402:2024 –  Integrated People-Centred Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Program

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Read the Praxis annual report 2022

We are pleased to share the 2022 Praxis Annual Report with you, which focuses on collaboration and how it drives impact. The…
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Special Issue: AO Spine & Praxis Spinal Cord Institute Guidelines for the Management of Acute Spinal Cord Injury

The Praxis-AO Spine Acute SCI Guidelines make sure that best practices in care are available widely, to standardize SCI care across B.C., Canada, and internationally. Developed in part from Praxis-supported and…
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Implementing Activity-Based Therapy for Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation in Canada: Challenges and Proposed Solutions

Activity-based therapy (ABT) is a therapeutic approach with multiple benefits including promoting neurorecovery and reducing the likelihood of secondary complications in people…
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A look at Spinal Cord Injury in Canada in 2021

Published in 2023, The RHSCIR network report is a detailed look at clinical and demographic data collected from 682 tSCI and 466…
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Key Initiatives + Resources


National SCI Registry: RHSCIR

Our Impact

At Praxis, we are driven by our vision of a world without paralysis after SCI. Since 2009, we have worked to make exceptional improvements in the health of people with SCI.


Co-Creating a National SCI Care Strategy

How Would You Like To Change The World?

Imagine improving the lives of millions of people around the world who live with a spinal cord injury.

Back of a man's head and neck on a dark background with colourful graphic logo elements
Praxis testimonial background image

Imagine a world without paralysis after spinal cord injury.