Health Economics

Economic research in spinal cord injury (SCI) informs decisions in care and supports Canadian network initiatives.

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The Vision of a Health Economics Agenda

Praxis is supporting the development and implementation of a health economics agenda for spinal cord injury research in Canada. The agenda recognizes Praxis’ core programs, concurrent Canadian SCI Network member-led initiatives, and the gap in empirical health economic evidence in the field of SCI. Its intent is to lead collaboration between individuals and organizations with relevant experience, expertise and influence in order to establish evidence of the burden of SCI and the costs and consequences of initiatives aimed at mitigating the burden.

The health economics agenda for SCI research in Canada directs economic research in SCI to:

  • Increase the breadth, quality, and applicability of health economic analyses in the field of SCI;
  • Inform and encourage decisions concerning the care of individuals with SCI in Canada; and
  • Support Canadian SCI Network initiatives, including initiatives to demonstrate the value and expand the implementation of evidence-informed practices and support health technology and service innovation to prevent excess healthcare costs and protect and promote the well-being of individuals with SCI, their families, and supporters.
Abstract image of individual in wheelchair in motion on a ramp in the Blusson Spinal Cord Centre
Three women using wheelchairs sit around a table in conversation.

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Professional Resources

A collection of resources to help you in your SCI research and practice. Learn more about the GRP, ISNCSCI Algorithm, in-house data-services and get access to clinical tools, guidelines and the latest peer-reviewed scientific publications from the Praxis network.


RSCHIR Report for 2019