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ISCoS 2020: Virtual
September 1-5, 2020 | 11:00 am British Summer Time
3:00 am Pacific Daylight Time
Praxis is excited to be exhibiting and presenting at the 59th International Spinal Cord Society Annual Scientific Meeting, ISCoS 2020: VIRTUAL.
The ISCoS Annual Meeting brings together professionals working in prevention, research, management and rehabilitation of people with spinal cord injury. Due to COVID-19, the conference will be held virtually, with fully accessible presentations, workshops, and networking opportunities.
Connect with us at the Praxis Virtual Booth and at presentations by the Praxis team!
Saturday, September 5th:
11:40am BST | 3:40am PDT
- [PRESENTATION] Updates to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Common Data Element Recommendations
Presented by Vanessa Noonan, Director of Research & Best Practice Implementation
2:00 pm BST | 6:00 am PDT
- [Workshop] Perspectives on patient-partnered research
John Chernesky, Lead of Consumer Engagement (participating presenter)
At ISCoS this year we are sending out a challenge to all attendees: how will you engage consumers in your research over the next year? We will collect your stories and report back at ISCoS 2021!