Quality of life and adaptation in people with spinal cord injury: Response shift effects from one to five years’ post-injury

Schwartz CE, Stucky B, Rivers CS, Noonan VK, Finkelstein JA; RHSCIR Network. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2018 Aug;99(8):1599-1608.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2018.01.028.

Summary: Following a spinal cord injury, a ‘response shift’, or adjustment to life following SCI may improve quality of life as an individual adjusts their standards and values regarding their health, post-injury. This shift has been found in those with other chronic health conditions, but is not commonly studied in SCI. In this study, we found that individuals with SCI had significant improvement in their self-reported physical and social functioning and life satisfaction over time. By understanding which factors contribute to this shift, rehabilitation care planning can target these factors to support an individual’s adjustment to life following SCI.