Annual Reports

Maintaining the highest standard of accountability and transparency is of utmost importance to us.

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Young man in wheelchair looking up at the sky

Annual Report 2023

We are pleased to share with you the 2023 Praxis annual report, which focuses on collaboration and how it drives impact. The report summarizes the Institute’s impact on spinal cord injury research, innovation, and care, with stories showing how collaboration builds community, activates advocacy, and directs priorities.

Rapport Annuel 2023

Nous avons le plaisir de partager avec vous le rapport annuel Praxis 2023. Le rapport fait un résumé de l’impact de l’Institut sur la recherche sur les lésions médullaires, l’innovation, et les soins, et les témoignages de gens démontrent comment cette collaboration contribue à bâtir une communauté, active la représentation et dirige les priorités.

Audited Financial Statements 2023

View the Audited Financial Statements for 2023.

How Would You Like To Change The World?

Imagine improving the lives of millions of people around the world who live with a spinal cord injury.


Past Reports

2021/22 Annual Report

English | French | Audited Financial Statement

2020/21 Annual Report

English | French | Audited Financial Statement

2019/20 Annual Report

English | French | Audited Financial Statement

2018/19 Annual Report

English | French | Audited Financial Statement

2017/18 Annual Report

English | French | Audited Financial Statement

Living With SCI

Having a spinal cord injury means many significant changes in your life, but it doesn’t mean that your life won’t be as fulfilling and rewarding as before.

Living with SCI