Purpose of the ABT CoP
The aim of this Activity-Based Therapy Community of Practice (ABT CoP) is to bring together committed individuals with a common interest in ABT who have a desire to work collaboratively. Our work is to expedite the advancement of the Canadian ABT priorities with the ultimate goal of improving access to and quality of ABT for people living with spinal cord injuries and disorders (SCI/D).
Priorities identified at the 2019 ABT Summit include (~in order of shorter-term to longer-term vision):
- Identifying current ABT activities across the continuum of care (i.e. a ‘snapshot’ of the current state);
- Creating a network to facilitate dialogue across the continuum of care;
- Tracking engagement in ABT activities across the continuum of care (i.e. identifying a standardized tool(s)/method(s) for documentation);
- Development and Implementation of Best Practice Recommendations for ABT;
- Study of optimal timing, methods and dose of ABT to promote desired outcomes.
Goals of the CoP
The ABT CoP goals are to provide a national collaboration and communications platform that fosters rapid, coordinated advancements in the identified priority areas through research, dissemination, and implementation activities aimed at enhancing the use of ABT for people living with SCI/D in Canada.
Download ABT CoP Postcards
For Clinicians
For Individuals with SCI
For Physicians
Download FES Toolkit
The Functional electrical stimulation (FES) is a valuable therapeutic tool for the restoration and retraining of voluntary motor function, and is commonly used in the treatment of individuals with spinal cord injury. The FES Toolkit was developed to help physical therapists, occupational therapists and exercise physiologists use FES in their clinical practice.
The information and resources within the toolkit were developed from research evidence, clinical expertise and experiences teaching courses on FES at the University of Toronto, KITE, the SCI Mobility lab, and many members of our ABT Community of Practice!
Spinal Moves Podcast
The ABT CoP is excited to announce the launch of Spinal Moves, a Canadian podcast conversation about activity-based therapy with the leaders of today. Learn more.
For More Information
Send your questions to abtcop@praxisinstitute.org