Activity-Based Therapy (ABT)
Therapeutic activities that involve repetitive neuromuscular activation below the level of spinal injury, typically achieved through intensive, task-specific movement practice. – Musselman et al. JNER 2018
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Learn about ABT
Activity-based therapy is an intervention that targets activation of the neuromuscular system below the level of the lesion with the goal of retraining the nervous system to recover a specific motor task. This can be achieved through a variety of ways, for example, using robotics, electrical stimulation, or repetitive movement training without the use of high tech devices (e.g. treadmill or overground gait training).

ABT Community of Practice (CoP)
The ABT CoP brings together committed individuals with a common interest in ABT to advance the Canadian ABT priorities. The ultimate goal is improving access to and quality of ABT to optimize health outcomes for people living with spinal cord injury and disorder in Canada.

Spinal Moves
Spinal moves is a podcast conversation about ABT with leaders of today. Join hosts Hope Jervis Rademeyer and Anita Kaiser as they chat with people living with spinal cord injury, clinicians who work in neurological settings, and researchers who study activity-based therapy. This series is brought to you by the ABT CoP and produced in coordination with Hope Jervis Rademeyer, Anita Kaiser, and Praxis Spinal Cord Institute. Podcast is available in English and French.

Funding Supports
Funding supports advance the evidence and implementation of ABT to enhance neuro-restoration in individuals with spinal cord injury. Find Praxis grant announcements and award recipients for Cure and Care Program open calls.