Starling Medical team with UrinControl device

In conversation with Alex Arevalos and Sylvie Kalikoff, Starling Medical

Starling Medical CEO Dr. Alex Arevalos and Director of Product Development Sylvie Kalikoff, MBE, on revolutionizing neurogenic bladder management with an AI…
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In conversation with Dirk Lange, Purus Innovations

Purus Innovations cofounder Dirk Lange talks about how the company started and its innovative technology to prevent UTIs.
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Praxis-HSO National Standard of Canada (NSC) for Spinal Cord Injury Public Notice of Intent

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In conversation with Charles M. Cuerrier and Stephen Hanson, Spiderwort

Spiderwort CEO & Co-Founder Charles M. Cuerrier and Business Development Director Stephen Hanson on their cellulose scaffolding that promotes regeneration after SCI.
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Announcing the Spinal Cord Rehab Innovation Challenge Finalists

Praxis Spinal Cord Institute and MaRS Discovery District are pleased to announce the finalists of the Spinal Cord Rehab Innovation Challenge. These…
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Praxis-WD 2022 Summative Evaluation RFP

This independent evaluation will examine the effectiveness of the implementation to date of the Praxis-WD Initiative, assess achieved outcomes in the planned…
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Season’s Greetings 2020

Bill Barrable, CEO of Praxis Spinal Cord Institute, shares a holiday wish for this season and the year ahead.
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Knowledge Exchange Platform Planning RFP

This request for proposal (RFP) is to contract services to assist with development of a Knowledge Exchange Platform Mockup with a plan…
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Praxis CEO Bill Barrable Interview with the Canadian Business Quarterly (CBQ)

Praxis CEO Bill Barrable talks about about consumer engagement at Praxis, and how our Commercialization program supports an ecosystem of innovation through…
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WD Evaluation Executive Summary 2020

A midterm evaluation on Praxis' WD funded activities was conducted from April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2020.
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Canadian Spinal Cord Stimulation Team Planning Grant RFA

The goal of this RFA is to facilitate the translation of epidural and transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation to individuals living with SCI.
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Spinal Cord Injury Implementation and Evaluation Quality Care Consortium RFA

To promote implementation and adoption of SCI evidence at the regional/provincial level, Praxis is requesting applications for initiatives that will lead to…
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